
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Superman or Manager; which are you?

How would your team do without you? Are you overwhelmed with the pressure of keeping up with everyone's work problems? or Have you ever dealt with an organization or a department that comes to a halt once the team leader isn’t around? And many times the CEO or manager is overworked, stressed and convinced he doesn’t have the right people on his team or they have no initiative?

It’s easy to fall into this trap particularly if you are a functional expert who is good at delivering on the technical/operational aspects of your job (and got promoted to manager because you are so good at your job). Many people in this situation have not made the transition from doing the work themselves to getting your team to do the work and cant grasp the fact that the output now required in terms of people not function.
There are of course a million and 1 reasons why some managers seem to end up doing all the work for their team; including – fear of failure, a need to be needed, a need to ensure things are done perfectly, etc. However, work grinding to a halt every time the manager is away is a wasteful unsustainable model and is counter-productive in the long run.

In this insightful article, the writers at explore the issue of ‘Preventing Manager Dependency.’ Click here:
Here’s an interesting video showing practical ways to help your people tackle the issues themselves whilst still providing the required leadership.

Monday, May 14, 2012

How Marketable are you?

Business, work and technology are constantly changing – there are new methods, processes, markets and abilities being discovered and/or increasing in importance on a daily basis. Even for those who are currently ‘secure’ in your  job, skills and performance requirements change constantly and organizations place a high value on employees who can help them effectively navigate the ever shifting business landscape.

It’s important for us as professionals to stay relevant and competitive; this ensures your value in your current job and your attractiveness in the event you decide to change jobs. The only way to ‘future-proof’ your career is to keep your skills updated. So, what’s the best way to do this?

One of the best ways to upgrade your skills is to learn them on the job; seize opportunities for learning /exercising new skills by accepting challenging assignments or seeking new ways to do things. Experience based learning is considered more effective than classroom training. However, used intelligently, training courses can boost your prospects.

To enable a quick of analysis of how competitively positioned you are, consider the following questions:
·         What new skills would I need to have to perform my job in a different – a. Company, b. Sector, c. internationally?
·         What are the key trends for my job (and industry) in the next 3 years?
·         What new technology is being used in my job/industry and how can I use it to add leverage to my performance?
·         What skills are most highly valued for my job functions?
·         What skills are rare? Which ones are becoming obsolete?
·         What transferable skills do I have (can I learn)?
·         What are my current skills worth in the market?
Honest answers to these questions would give you a clear roadmap to build up your profile to top competitive position.
Here’s an interesting viewpoint from an experienced recruiter offering practical tips to keep your skills up to date
Also see this 1 min video that teaches you how to prove your skills :